Concho Valley PAWS sponsors a FREE Lost and Found Pet service online at HelpMeGetHome.com.
For pet parents: if you have lost your pet you can upload a picture and details about the pet. Be sure to include your contact information.
For pet finders: you can also upload a picture of the pet you have found and details about where you have found them as well as your contact information.
After you have registered and submitted your lost or found pet, you will receive a printable Lost & Found Poster in PDF format. Your posting will also be shared on our social media pages. All pet profiles are maintained online for 90 days.
Please remember! We do not provide animal control services for San Angelo and we do not operate the San Angelo Animal Shelter.
About lost pets at the San Angelo Animal Shelter: When a stray pet arrives at San Angelo Animal Shelter it is processed and examined, treated for fleas and ticks and placed in a kennel for the public to view. Stray animals are allowed 3 days for identification by owners. If a pet is not identified, the animal is made available for adoption or euthanized. If you have had an animal in your possession for three days, you are legally considered the owner of that animal. If an “owned animal” is taken to the shelter it may be euthanized immediately if space does not permit it to be made available for adoption. The city’s animal shelter euthanizes close to 80% of the animals they take in every year.
Things To Do if You’ve Lost Your Pet:
• Visit your local animal shelter every day and ask to see the animals in processing, as well as in the kennels. Do not call and ask about a pet. Chances are the staff working the phones have no idea what has been brought in and they will not walk the kennels to look. In addition, the shelter may identify the pet as a different breed from what you refer to it as. No one can identify a pet like it’s owner.
• If you have found a pet, take it to the nearest Veterinarian to have it scanned for a microchip.
• Print flyers and post them in the area where the pet was lost (if your local law allows). Make sure to include a photo of your pet and phone number where they can reach you.
• Search your neighborhood thoroughly and often. Ask neighbors if they have seen your pet.
• Put an ad in your local newspaper. Most publications offer Lost & Found Pet ads for free, or at a reduced cost.
• Contact local rescue organizations to see if someone has turned your pet in to them.
• Make sure your pet is microchipped and wearing a collar with tags containing current contact information!